The organization assists young people by creating awareness campaigns on Careers, Mental health and sexuality. The organization aims to assist young women and girls by providing a safe space for freedom of expression and support. The pre-adolescence and young women face many challenges by being in a safe space like Amaqhawekazi allows them to grow and make a difference to other young women and girls.

How long has your Organisation been operational? 

Since 2016

Is your Organisation a registered entity? If so, please list your registration details below for eg: NPO Number, PBO Number, NPC Number etc 

NPO Number- 214-645

Do you have a Wish List? If so, please post it below: 

A building

Where can we find your Organisation online? Please list links to your Website and Social Media Platforms here:

Which Cause achievement are you most proud of? Feel free to elaborate on why and include any links:

Amaqhawekazi is a new organization hence we are trying to find our feet, however I. July we will be hosting our first event at a local high school with in aim of creating awareness about careers and mental health issues.



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