• Please list links to your Website and Social Media Platforms here:

Children of South Africa

  • Describe in detail what your Organisation does:

Capacity build and provide funding to local grassroots initiatives such as creches, children’s homes and after school programmes that support the development of the children of South Africa.

  • How long has your Organisation been operational?

Since 2006

  • In your opinion, what has been the most challenging aspect of running your Organisation?


  • Describe your Nonprofit Journey in three words:

people centered development

  • Do you collaborate with other Causes? If yes, would you like to mention them?

Thope Foundation, Molo Mhlaba Schools, Blessings Educare Centre, Philani, Ilitha Labantwana, Bathandwa Home for Children, Abaphumeleli Home of Safety, QQ Community Creche, Ubuhle Babantwana

  • If you had one Organisation wish, what would it be?

To empower local communities to drive development

  • In your opinion, which skills do Nonprofits in your Country lack?

capacity to manage all job responsibilities needed to keep an NPO operational

  • Looking back at your Cause Journey, what advice would you give a newbie Organisation?

Be patient, and don’t loose sight of why you are driven to do what you do

  • If you could change one thing about the Nonprofit Landscape, what would it be?

The competitive nature of the funding space

  • Which Cause achievement are you most proud of? Feel free to elaborate on why and include any links:

Mobilising local communities with the knowledge and tools that lead them to become self-sufficient and no longer need the support of CHOSA.

  • Last question, if your friends had to describe your Organisation in three words, which would they use?

Community driven support

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