We have evangelists in each of the large harbours in South Africa. They visit the seafaring men and women on the vessels daily to care for their spiritual needs. Fellow-believers of almost every language and cultural group are our faithful, loyal supporters, donors and co-workers. The CSO has international ties with other organisations and is a member of the International Christian Maritime Association – an umbrella organisation for harbour evangelisation organisations. / Daar is evangeliebedienaars in elkeen van die groot hawens van Suid-Afrika wat op ‘n daaglikse basis na die geestelike nood van die seemanne op skepe omsien. Gelowiges van baie verskillende taal- en kultuurgroepe is ons getroue ondersteuners, donateurs en medewerkers. CSO het ook internasionale bande met ander organisasies en is lid van die International Christian Maritime Association – ‘n sambreelorganisasie van hawesendingorganisasies.
How long has your Organisation been operational?
Since 1944
Is your Organisation a registered entity? If so, please list your registration details below for eg: NPO Number, PBO Number, NPC Number etc
Do you have a Wish List? If so, please post it below:
We have purchased our literature for the year 2020 which includes all the Bibles, New Testaments and Gospels we will need to reach the seafarers. The cost involved is R256 000. For as little as R52 you can give a seafarer a Bible in his own language. / Ons het sopas ons literatuur aangekoop vir die jaar 2020, wat insluit Bybels, Nuwe Testamente en Skrifdele. Vir so min as R52 kan jy vir ‘n seeman ‘n Bybel in sy eie taal gee!
Where can we find your Organisation online? Please list links to your Website and Social Media Platforms here:
Which Cause achievement are you most proud of? Feel free to elaborate on why and include any links:
Each year we reach about 100 00 seafarers, working with Bibles in 106 languages! / Elke jaar hanteer ons omtrent 100 000 seemanne wat deur ons hande gaan en werk in sowat 106 verskillende tale Bybels!