Elsen Academy is an independent school registered with the Education Department and as an NPO. Elsen Academy caters for children with learning barriers or who struggle to thrive in the larger school environments.
How long has your Organisation been operational?
14 years.
Is your Organisation a registered entity? If so, please list your registration details below for eg: NPO Number, PBO Number, NPC Number etc
NPO 056-340
Do you have a Wish List? If so, please post it below:
My only wish list is to get some exposure for our school and possibly new admissions. Our main source of income is school fees, so more kids = more income.
Where can we find your Organisation online? Please list links to your Website and Social Media Platforms here:
Looking back at your Cause Journey, what advice would you give a newbie Organisation?
Keep a very tight reign on your budget and do not operate without one.
Which Cause achievement are you most proud of? Feel free to elaborate on why and include any links:
We have had four consecutive 100% matric passes.