Ithemba Mentorship And Development (IMAD), has a major goal to inlfuence young people to be independent, make something g of themselves, supporting inschool youth to stay in school until highets standard passed, to avoid teenage pregnancy, substance anuse and curb reliance on sociak grants.
Please list links to your Website and Social Media Platforms here:
LinkedIn – @imad
Facebook – ithembamentorship
Describe in detail what your Organisation does:
- Mentoring high school girls, young women and men. Equipping them them with different lifesiills such as self development, leadership, substance abuse and SRH. Operating in the Buffalo city Metro in rural areas.
Conducting and collaborating with other NGOs in career exhibitions
Taking learners to educational trips eg. Grahamstown Art Festival
Promoting Volunteerism to learners by honouring Nelaon Mandela Day
Engaging in outdoor experiential learning in order to i ncrease increase the i individual learners resilience, unleash their potential, and to challenge ‘i cant’mentality
How long has your Organisation been operational?
- 5 years
In your opinion, what has been the most challenging aspect of running your Organisation?
- Funding is the major challenge especially in relation to salaries. Staff rely on stipend paid for by the Dept of Soc Dev.
Describe your Nonprofit Journey in three words:
- Emerging, Progress, growing ,
Do you collaborate with other Causes? If yes, would you like to mention them?
- Maths, Science and Technology (MST) Foundation
Man On A Mission
Department of Soc Dev and other Victim Empowerment Progeam Centres
If you had one Organisation wish, what would it be?
- Acquiring a vehicle to enable us to do our job
In your opinion, which skills do Nonprofits in your Country lack?
- Managing finances and basic bookkeeping
Monitoring g end evaluation of programs by small NGOs
Looking back at your Cause Journey, what advice would you give a newbie Organisation?
- Focus is the important as well as putting people or community first, having the passion of what you are doing
If you could change one thing about the Nonprofit Landscape, what would it be?
- Id change spirit of Competition theres toi much competitiin among organizatikns. I would encourage collaborations, opennes and working together of NGOs to curb competition
Which Cause achievement are you most proud of? Feel free to elaborate on why and include any links
- Managing to enter Forgood awards. Even though small amounts were received but they go a long wayto sustain our small organization and keep afloat during dificult times.
Last question, if your friends had to describe your Organisation in three words, which would they use?
- Struggling/trying, helpful, progressive