Khula Afrika Foundation is a Non-Governmental Organisation registered in South Africa with footprints in Southern Africa mainly in Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Zambia and Malawi. Our aim is to create platforms within marginalized and disadvantaged communities to bring social justice and economic growth.

Khula Afrika Foundation is founded on the following principles:

Inclusiveness and multi-stakeholder involvement
Community driven approaches

Our approach is embedded in social enterprise and innovation concepts. The Foundation creates platforms for communities to be self-sufficient through the facilitation of development within six thematic areas.

How long has your Organisation been operational?

2 months

Is your Organisation a registered entity? If so, please list your registration details below for eg: NPO Number, PBO Number, NPC Number etc


Do you have a Wish List? If so, please post it below:

This is a link to our Cause Wish list for your kind consideration.

Where can we find your Organisation online? Please list links to your Website and Social Media Platforms here:

Which Cause achievement are you most proud of? Feel free to elaborate on why and include any links:

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH project- Sakabuka Informal Settlement, Pretoria)

The project goal is a :
Sustainable environmental services, consisting of safe and clean water supply,safe sanitation facilities and hygiene promotion developed for 1000 households of Sakabuka informal settlement.Improved and healthy living environment.

The following are the project objectives.
1. Provide access to a safe communal toilet and bathrooms) facility for Sakabuka Informal
settlement community.
2. Provide access to safe drinking water for the Sakabuka Informal settlement
3. Promote good hygiene habits through education among the Sakabuka Informal

The project will be implemented in phases. The following are the key activities that will be carried out.
1) The building of communal sanitation facilities.
2) Installation of water pumps.
3) Training on water pump maintenance
4) Training of environmental hygiene health promoters.

A community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) approach will be used. The approach allows for full participation and ownership of the project. The approach originates from Kamal Kar’s evaluation of water aid in Bangladesh. The approach has been used in Africa with successful outcomes. The approach will be appropriate for the project as the community is aware of sanitation and hygiene challenges and its impact on their lives and there is a willingness to improve the situation.

The following are the project sustainability plans to be carried out:
1)The organisation governing structure has vast experience in project planning,
management, monitoring and evaluation.
2)The evidence-based strategies (LOGFRAME) and theory of change have been
developed and will be used.
3)The Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) approach will be used. The approach allows
full participation and ownership of the project beyond the funding cycle.
4)Regular meetings and community feedback are planned. These will help the project to
identify areas of concern and develop a list of alternatives.
5)Coalition with the government department will be established to ensure that the
community continues to receive basic services.
6)The trained hygiene promoters are the greatest investment as they will continue to
advocate for a clean environment beyond the project funding cycle.

The following outcomes are expected.
1) One thousand (1000 ) households within Sakabuka community will have access to safe
2) Twelve (12 ) safe sanitation facilities (toilets and bathrooms) will be built.
3) Thirty (30) community members trained as a health and hygiene environmental
4) Ten (10) community members will be trained as pump maintenance workers.

The project will be able to create employment opportunities for community members. This will help reduce unemployment among the community members. It is estimated that approximately 50 employment opportunities will be created.


  1. Кто ты есть на самом деле?
    В чем твое предназначение? В каком направлении лежит твой путь и как тебе по
    нему идти?
    Дизайн Человека расскажет об этом!

    – Снимает давление социальных стереотипов
    – Даёт ощущение уникальности – Даёт конкретные
    рекомендации по принятию решений – Даёт право быть собой –
    Даёт право быть собой – Даёт опору на природные механизмы – Даёт
    ощущение целостности – Снимает
    давление социальных стереотипов
    – Укрепляет доверие к себе

    Дизайн Человека позволяет принимать решения в условиях неопределённости, опираться на себя и свой внутренний компас.

  2. Кто ты есть на самом деле? В чем твое предназначение?

    В каком направлении лежит твой путь и как тебе по нему идти?

    Дизайн Человека расскажет об этом!

    – Даёт ощущение уникальности
    – Позволяет жить в согласии со своей природой – Даёт конкретные
    рекомендации по принятию решений – Снимает давление социальных стереотипов –
    Уменьшает внутренние конфликты – Снимает чувство вины за “неправильность” – Даёт ощущение целостности
    – Уменьшает внутренние конфликты
    – Снимает давление социальных стереотипов

    Рейв-карта Human Design или Бодиграф.

    Human Design – это система для определения личной уникальности и своего предназначения в
    жизни. Дизайн Человека научит принимать правильные решения.

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