The MathMoms program was launched in 2016 as an answer to the challenges facing Elsies River and surrounding areas. Our overall goal is to cure these communities of their trauma, build sustainable, resilient, and healthy communities and relationships. The areas in which we work are characterised by high crime rates, gang violence, sexual violence, and unemployment.

Needless to say, it is not an ideal context for a child to grow up in. The schools are also struggling because of a shortage of resources and crowded classes. Because of all these factors, learners experience a lack of emotional stability, physical security, and academic support. Foundation Phase learners show poor mathematical skills which result in a massive backlog in their academic development. The women in the programme, the MathMoms, create safe spaces, provide emotional support, and teach basic mathematical principles to their learners through play activities. It builds academic and emotional resilience in the learners.

The programme does not only benefit the learners. The MathMoms are all previously unemployed women who are trained by the programme and gain skills while also earning their own income. Their participation in the programme gives them the necessary experience and skills to find work, as some have already done.

The driving ideals behind the MathMoms programme are commitment, resilience, and safe spaces. Through our attachment theory, the MathMoms teach the learners (and themselves!) to be resilient, while also creating spaces in which the child feels safe, acknowledged, and respected, and within which they can thrive.

The Ladies take responsibility for unique and applicable Math programmes for the following grades:

Grade 2: Teach mathematical concepts through play. They utilize all senses to make the learners aware of their environment and to help them understand how mathematics is an integral part of all aspects of everyday life. Each MathMom facilitates the learning of a group of five learners.

Grade 3: Learners are tutored in basic mathematical concepts, also through play but at a more advanced level. Tutoring is enriched by the use of teaching apparatus. The tutoring is linked closely to the syllabus followed in the learnersclasses at school. The MathMoms also help some learners with math homework in the afternoons at their homes.

Grade 4: 12-week programme aimed at bridging the gap between grade 3 and 4, empowering the learners to work more independently and with more confidence.

In addition to the grade programmes, they also commit themselves to the following:

MathMoms TRE training: Trauma Release Exercises equips our volunteers and staff to deal with the effects of trauma in their own life and of working in wounded communities. It also enables them to help other members of these communities in dealing with their own trauma. This provides them with a life-long tool for handling the effects of trauma, and is of great benefit for their emotional health

They are excited for opportunities for further training and growth: Project Management, First Aid, basic financial principles, life skill courses, parenting courses, outings to interesting places they have never visited. Confidence building exercises, like photo shoots with professional photographers.


How long has your Organisation been operational? 

Mathmoms was started in 2016, and officially registered as NPC in 2017

Is your Organisation a registered entity? If so, please list your registration details below for eg: NPO Number, PBO Number, NPC Number etc 

Enterprise Name: MATHMOMS
Registration Number: 2017/193961/08
PBO Number: 930060003
Financial Year End: February
Income Tax: 9951360164
Legal Status: Non-Profit Company
Tax Clearance Certificate number: 0700/1/2018/A001134465
PAYE: 7140799166
UIF: 2447799/5
VAT number: Not applicable- not registered for VAT

Do you have a Wish List? If so, please post it below: 

Spread the word.
Put us in contact with influential people who would be willing and able to enrich our programme.
Assist us with strategic planning.
Offer linguistic services.
Provide us with creative fundraising ideas.
Organise or become involved in a fundraising event.
Assist with marketing.
Sponsor textbooks (R46 per book).
Sponsor a MathMom and 8 children (R25 000 per year).
Give a Mentor Wings (R30 000 per year per person).
Help us to collect teaching aids and small toys from your community or neighbourhood.
Volunteer your skills for our Train the Trainer programme.
Complete the My School, My Villiage application form (

Where can we find your Organisation online? Please list links to your Website and Social Media Platforms here: 



Which Cause achievement are you most proud of? Feel free to elaborate on why and include any links:

We are very proud of the 2018 Maths results for the Grade 2 and Grade 3 learners who were part of the programme. (Unfortunately we are not able to attach images with the results reflected in graphs.) This year we also started with grade 4 learners.

We are also very proud of our own textbooks that we created and printed for the programme.

Furthermore, we are also proud of our Mathmoms and their development since becoming part of the programme. Through the programme, previously unemployed women are employed, trained and upskilled, thereby giving them more financial security, work experience, and further employment opportunities. They see MathMoms as a programme, not a career opportunity and encourage the ladies to study further, look for jobs and enrich their lives in other ways as well.

Of the 36 MathMoms involved in the 2018 programme:
4 went to college to pursue further qualifications in education
4 obtained permanent employment
1 founded a crèche
7 became teaching assistants when not working in the MathMom programme
and 29 will remain with the 2019 MathMoms programme

Of the 20 Interns involved in the 2018 programme:
a lot of the ladies pursued further education
4 obtained permanent employment

In the links below, some of the women share how they grew in their self confidence during their journey with MathMoms:


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