Describe in detail what your Organisation does:

We started in May 2011 in Montagu, Western Cape. I was recovering from an operation and on advice from my doctor to go away for a few days. But not being one to sit around & do nothing, I opted to search on Google to see what we could do whilst there. We found a Garden Project helping shack dwellers grow their own vegetables. We went to visit to find out more. (subsequently shut down after 13 yrs as the saint who ran the project became very ill and went back to his home in Canada) We realized the rural area of Montagu was in need of help as work is seasonal and only 3 months annually. We also heard assistance from main cities were not so forthcoming. So although we are situated in Cape Town surrounds, we decided we will trek to help out as much as we can.

We were blessed with family & friends donating to our needs & was able to deliver twice a month. Then we decided we need to do more and registered as a NPO on 28 July 2015. We work in Robertson, Ashton & Montagu as we can.

We work primarily with elders, children & when we can, animal institutions. We try and alleviate poverty by means of foods or equipment/furniture institutions may need. We are currently busy with an old age home in Zolani with their very first lounge suit, pictures & equipment. We also work with Hospices in each area.

Which three words best describe your Organisation?

Rescue Among Many (meaning RAM)

If you could change only one thing about your Organisation, what would it be?

We are very small and in need of staff/help. Our dream would be to grow into a larger organization where we can employ staff to assist with investigations/deliveries/donations in order to help expand & care for other rural areas as well. The Breederiver & surrounds are vast and we would so much want to cover more.

Describe what a typical work day looks like for you at your Organisation?

We continually receive clothing, furniture, goods. We are in need of storage nearby as we do not have enough space depending on what comes in. I try to get to emails, office work as much as I can with collections/deliveries and beg letters as needed. Its crazy everyday.

What is the one thing you wish members of the general public knew about your Organisation?

Our dream & vision to computer literate school children in these areas. It started off as a vision in the very far distanced future.

Describe the saddest moment you’ve experienced while at work in your Organisation

There are a few, but one that affected us the worst…

The rural high school in Ashton for rural Montagu primary have shut their computer classes in 2017 as the computer literate levels are too low. The primary school in Montagu have problems with their computers and it seems it at be small or it may be bigger. They have 24 computers for over 1000 children but sadly most of them do not work. 19 do not accept the passwords but in working order. The other do not communicate with the printers. This is going back to the dark ages. Our hearts are broken to see the high school shut the classes for lack of students. We pray for help to get this school computers up and running again.

Apart from donating money, how can members of the general public assist your Organisation?

There are many. In no particular order.
1. Assist with the primary school computer repairs in Montagu
2. We have been blessed with a loan Vito bus the past 5 1/2 yrs for deliveries, but we have put more than 400,000 km on the clock and the bus needs constant wear & tear replacements. The owner of the bus does all the repairs as a gesture of goodwill. We however feel bad and wished we could have a delivery bus of our own as this one is old and wont last forever.
3. Food is always a high priority for us.
4. Clothing & small furniture always a need.

Describe the happiest moment you’ve experienced while at work in your Organisation

1. When a very frail old man selected some clothing we had on tables and came to ask what he owes us, I responded by saying a hug only. Then told him to go and collect some soup and bread from a helper plus a large container for later and then to proceed down to the kitchen to get fresh fish. He was crying, dancing, hugging and kept holding his head saying this cannot be true. This was in October 2016. It doesn’t take much to spread happiness.
2. On 5 Dec 2016 we were looking for elders to deliver their Christmas Food buckets..we took a wrong turn and saw an old frail lady with lifeless eyes standing by a stocky young man. We stopped to ask if she knew anybody on our name list…and each one she said no. But something about her told me to ask if we give her a bucket and a slab of chocolate…when the young man looked at me and said, this lady had lost all her faith as she had not had food for awhile. He told her not to give up but to pray and ask for food. We stopped just as they had done praying. Her faith has been restored. That was so worth our trip. And we had 3 Christmas gift functions over 4 days.

If you could say only one thing to the Community your Organisation serves, what would that be?

We are continually striving to make your world a better place.

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