Our Centre focuses directly on academic and social welfare of all learners entering our doors. We are governed by an sgb( school governing body) and work within the framework of advancing the children at both Centres ( Rocklands, Mandalay). Management has a track record of working in the Western Cape Educational and early childhood development field. We currently have a spread of 6 staff members over the +- 55 learners from 18 months to 6 year old. We provide a stable breakfast and lunch with the various resources.

How long has your Organisation been operational? 

2 Years
Is your Organisation a registered entity? If so, please list your registration details below for eg: NPO Number, PBO Number, NPC Number etc 

203-964 NPO

Do you have a Wish List? If so, please post it below: 

Interactive Boards ( Classroom and presentation purposes)
Tech classroom for learners
Staff/Management tech tools/ resources training workshops.
Wifi and access resources/tools( networking)-staff and management

Where can we find your Organisation online? Please list links to your Website and Social Media Platforms here: 



Which Cause achievement are you most proud of? Feel free to elaborate on why and include any links:

Academic advancement-We managed to implement different format of resources for learners and staff management to improve end of term results for the learners at the Centre. Both our Centres have their own facebook page( Rocklands and Mandalay),to keep the parents informed of the activities and progress.We currently have a big success rate in the use of the whats App broadcast tool with the parents. This platform we use for all meetings events and emergency communication.

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