Mission Statement
At The Johannesburg Children’s Home, we believe that child care is not just the provision of food and shelter, but also includes the provision of a special place for a child to be, a home in which he/she can take pride and feel surrounded by love and warmth.
Our commitment
To provide high quality care for 64 children who have been found in need of care by the Children’s Court. Our objective is to provide for their physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual, educational and social needs.


Please list links to your Website and Social Media Platforms here:

The Johannesburg Children’s Home
The Johannesburg Children’s Home Facebook


Describe in detail what your Organisation does:


  • The Johannesburg Children’s Home provides a “Home away from Home” for 64 children of all races, who have been placed in our care by the Children’s Court due to, physical, sexual or emotional abuse, severe neglect or abandonment.
    Residential Care -About our children
    The children live in one of seven age appropriate “Cottages” with the Home resembling a Cluster Style Village. Each Cottage has designated “house moms and/or dads” who take on the role of the “parent”
    The children attend eighteen different schools and/or colleges within a 20 km radius of our Home.
    The children admitted to care are delayed in most areas due to the abuse and neglect they have been victim of. A comprehensive programme is available across four main areas:
    Psychosocial therapists who address the emotional trauma
    Educational teachers, occupational and speech therapists who address the educational delays.
    Life Skills industry experts, social and child & youth care workers who address day to day topics ie. CV writing, budgeting skills, bullying, sports and social skills.After Care Programme
    At the beginning of every year, families we can “work with” are identified, with the objective of the child returning into the family unit. Sadly, this is not the case for most of the children and this is when the after care is a critical development area.
    International research shows that young people who have grown up in residential care facilities face numerous challenges including homelessness, unemployment, substance abuse etc. If intensive support is given during the transition phase the young person is more likely to become successful in life. There are 8 elements to this programme:

    1. Essential documents (ID, clinic card)
    2. Building social and emotional skills
    3. Developing independent living skills
    4. Personal health and well being
    5. Building networks of support
    6. Accommodation
    7. Career path and continuing education
    8. Work readiness


How long has your Organisation been operational?


  • Established in 1892, the Home has been caring for Orphaned and Vulnerable Children for 126 years.


In your opinion, what has been the most challenging aspect of running your Organisation?


  • Sustainable funding


Describe your Nonprofit Journey in three words:


  • Healing the Harm


Do you collaborate with other Causes? If yes, would you like to mention them?


  • Yes


If you had one Organisation wish, what would it be?


  • To have extra “hands” so the young people could have more one on one attention and that each child had a “mentor” to provide support and guidence.


In your opinion, which skills do Nonprofits in your Country lack?


  • The importance of Good Governance. The lack of this has a negative effect on compliant organisations


Looking back at your Cause Journey, what advice would you give a newbie Organisation?


  • Research the NPO sector well, collaborate with other organisations doing similar work, and find a mentor


If you could change one thing about the Nonprofit Landscape, what would it be?


  • Compulsory training for emerging organisation so there is a better understanding of what an NPO is.


Which Cause achievement are you most proud of? Feel free to elaborate on why and include any links


  • We are proud of all our children’s achievements, no matter how big or small – for them an achievement means growth. Seeing our children exit care and successfully “going out into the real word” is always the greatest one.


Last question, if your friends had to describe your Organisation in three words, which would they use?


  • Caring for opharns

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