Describe in detail what your Organisation does:

Established in April 2016. One of the reasons we started the Foundation was because my granddaughter was diagnosed with Autism. We raise funds and awareness for Autism.

Which three words best describe your Organisation?

Autism / Hope / Dedication

If you could change only one thing about your Organisation, what would it be?


Describe what a typical work day looks like for you at your Organisation?

We are unfortunately not running full time at present as our minimal finances do not allow us to give up our normal day jobs to run the foundation on a full time basis – which is what we would ideally like to do

What is the one thing you wish members of the general public knew about your Organisation?

That the cost of supporting a child with Autism is GIGANTIC and that we desperately need financial backing to be able to assist these kids

Describe the saddest moment you’ve experienced while at work in your Organisation

Having parents approach us for financial assistance and not being able to do so

Apart from donating money, how can members of the general public assist your Organisation?

They can also donate gifts for our various lucky draws or ladies day luncheon which we run to raise funds or can purchase educational toys ( we can provide a list ) to be given to the Autism Schools we are affiliated to

Describe the happiest moment you’ve experienced while at work in your Organisation

Visiting schools such as Amazing K in Randburg and donating gifts and sharing love with them. And also possibly the day we were allocated our NPO number – enabling us to help these kids in need

If you could say only one thing to the Community your Organisation serves, what would that be?

Building together we can make all the pieces fit. You have the opportunity to provide these kids with “wings” to make them “fly” – use it.

Show you care by connecting directly with The Puzzle Foundation S.A:


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