Thembalitsha has invested in the communities of South Africa – inspiring change and offering a hand-up rather than a handout. By assisting with the development and growth in lives of those in need, we aim to ensure sustainability for each of our projects as we work alongside companies, individuals, and government departments within the Education, Health and Training focus areas. This holistic approach allows us to offer only the best possible care to the people we serve.
Please list links to your Website and Social Media Platforms here:
Describe in detail what your Organisation does:
Thembalitsha Foundation is the umbrella company which consists of 9 projects within the following focus areas: Education, Health and Training.
Agape Educare Centre – “Providing education and loving care.”
Is an Early Childhood Centre situated in Asanda Village, catering for the local community. Providing an opportunity for children to receive a solid educational foundation.
EduCare Grabouw – “An early start for a brighter future.”
Thembalitsha’s newest and most ambitious project to date, EduCare Grabouw is an exciting initiative that aims to contribute to meeting a critical community need – providing essential Early Childhood Development centres for children who would otherwise not receive adequate foundation essentials in education.
Graceland Pre-School – “Getting education right from the start.”
Is an educational project that serves mostly children of farmworkers in the Devon Valley community of Stellenbosch. We offer hope by providing quality preschool education to children who would, for the most part, have nowhere else to go while their parents are away at work.
School of Hope – “Providing a second chance to at-risk and vulnerable youth.”
Located in Observatory, Cape Town, School of Hope provides at-risk, vulnerable youth a second chance at education. We are registered with the Western Cape Education Department, and our 145 students enjoy individual attention in small classes within a trusting learning environment.
Our health projects include:
Mama Themba – “Equipping mothers to nurture new life.”
Located in the Helderberg district of the Western Cape, Mama Themba offers essential antenatal & breastfeeding education and support to mothers who wouldn’t otherwise have access to such care and services.
ThembaCare Grabouw – “Taking healthcare to our vulnerable community.”
Located in a rural area east of Cape Town, ThembaCare Grabouw serves as the only overnight 24-hour hospice facility in a town of 65,000. This seven-bed hospice is designed to provide quality palliative care for those who are terminally ill and whose lives have been devastated by HIV/AIDS and TB. We also have a dedicated team of home-based carers who make daily visits to more than 350 people a month, living with HIV, TB and chronic illness in the informal settlements of Grabouw.
Village of Hope – “Providing a haven for at-risk children.”
Provides a safe haven for up to 12 at-risk children at a time. Children are placed at Village of Hope for temporary periods whilst a more beneficial, permanent solution is sought out for the family to enable reunification whilst ensuring that the child’s human rights are upheld. Registered with the Department of Social Development as a Child and Youth Care Centre, children, aged 0 – 10 are placed with Village of Hope by Social Welfare, through the local justice system
Themba Connect – “Connecting people and potential through teaching and training.”
A community development centre located in the small town of Adelaide in the Eastern Cape. The purpose of this centre is to equip and develop community members while improving lives. In Adelaide, communities are highly focused on their own individual needs not being met – often waiting for governments or outsiders to solve them, instead of attempting to do so themselves. Themba Connect seeks to shift this paradigm and help transform the community’s focus to working on their skills and assets, through workshops and training courses.
Themba Training – “Empowering communities through social entrepreneurship.”
Serves a number of communities in the Helderberg and Grabouw areas. They aim to equip individuals in the local communities with the necessary skills to generate an income by offering basic skills training. Beneficiaries are equipped with practical skills that include basic computer skills, business and relevant life skills and handcraft skills. Equipped individuals may then use these skills to become small business owners or enter the formal or informal job market, thereby being empowered to support their families.
How long has your Organisation been operational?
Founded in 1997, 21 years.
In your opinion, what has been the most challenging aspect of running your Organisation?
Sustainability of the broad spectrum of services running in 3 different focus areas which include: Education, Health and Training.
Describe your Nonprofit Journey in three words:
Do you collaborate with other Causes? If yes, would you like to mention them?
Yes, we believe in partnerships with all relevant Government Departments and NGO’s with synergy, so as to share resources and not reinvent the wheel.
Some of which include: NSRI, JAM, GoodSports, StreetSmart, KFC’s Add Hope and Connect Network
If you had one Organisation wish, what would it be?
Our wish would be to have sufficient investment funds which would secure future operations, allowing us to maintain staff retention and high standard of successful beneficiary services. “Restoring hope, transforming lives.”
In your opinion, which skills do Nonprofits in your Country lack?
Flexibility to adapt to different funding strategies of government departments and funders.
Looking back at your Cause Journey, what advice would you give a newbie Organisation?
Narrow your focus or core business; Change and become excellent in that area, you cannot save everyone.
If you could change one thing about the Nonprofit Landscape, what would it be?
More funding support from Government and CSI programs to ensure effective planning of services.
Which Cause achievement are you most proud of? Feel free to elaborate on why and include any links:
Surviving and thriving for 20 years in an ever-changing socio-political environment.
Last question, if your friends had to describe your Organisation in three words, which would they use?
I recommend herbal remedy…Goodbye to HSV/HIV Aids, Very effective …………
100% guaranteed.,
For different health issues.
Herpes simplex virus (HSV),
Human papillomavirus (HPV).
Hepatitis B,
Cold Sore,,
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