We are a registered local relief organization that provides post care support to victims of road traffic crashes. We do this through awareness raising on road safety, psychological and physical rehabilitation, access to legal services and legislation advocacy.
How long has your Organisation been operational?
5 Years
Is your Organisation a registered entity? If so, please list your registration details below for eg: NPO Number, PBO Number, NPC Number etc
The organization is registered under the NGO Act, Office of the Registrar for NGOs in Zambia.
Registration No. 101/0305/14
Do you have a Wish List? If so, please post it below:
Other inkind support
Where can we find your Organisation online? Please list links to your Website and Social Media Platforms here:
Which Cause achievement are you most proud of? Feel free to elaborate on why and include any links:
We have managed to establish ourselves as a first organization in Zambia solely focused on providing post care support to victims of road traffic crashes in Zambia.
We pride ourselves as an organization founded by people that experienced the pain, suffering and loss as a result of road traffic accidents.
We are inspired by personal stories and experiences of our members